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order of pumps on


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As most of you are probably aware, I have a closed loop (ampmaster and oceans motions) and now a couple powerheads (seio's) to summarise, they are:

closed loop = one dolphin pump @ 13,500lph, flow alternates via 4 tank inlets covering the top and middle regions of the tank

powerheads = two M1100's @ 9,000lph, flow directed to each far end of the tank covering the middle and lower regions of the tank

I currently have the closed loop running 24x7 and the powerheads will come on when the main lights come on (so from 11am til 9pm)

What is the best way to have this:

1. Leave as is

2. Swap them around (so Seio's are 24x7 and closed loop comes on with the lights)

I figure as is is probably best, but does anyone have any good reasons for and against each method? or is it reasonably irrelevant?

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What I do with my own tank, is at iregualr intervals I change them. No method to it, sometimes I turn them all on, sometimes some are on, some are off, I change timer intervals Stream Controller intervals, etc. Timers have random setting. I just figure this happens in the wild as rock formations move, wind and tide direction etc. So whenever I am under the tank, often I will change something or take a timer away or swap it with something else.

To answer your question, I don't think it matters. Same rules as always, more flow is going to be better for reducing nuitrients and SPS, but this may negititivly effect LPS and mushrooms. Some leathers like more, some like less, but of a lottery.

Hope that helps?


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