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SWAP. 48L complete setup + fish for 100+L tank and light. AUCKLAND


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Hey there,

I'm looking to trade my 48l tank, light and Eheim filter (both 2 months old), heater (3 months old), air pump, all decor (rocks, driftwood, sand, plants), and the fish in the tank.

 All the equipment is fairly new bar the air pump.


1x Redtail shark (had about 3 - 4 months)

1x Bristlenose pleco (had about 3 - 4 months)

5 Cherry barb (3 female, 2 male, had about a month)

I want to trade for a tank that is between 100-120ish L that has a light. Just a bare tank and light. 

Reason for wanting to trade: I've moved onto African cichlids in my big tank and looking for a smaller grow out tank. 

So complete setup, everything seen in the recent photos.

Sorry for the glare in the photo's, just had a algae bloom so looks a bit green but usually better. First two photos are of the tank a month and a half ago, other photos are from today.











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