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Newbie with fishie


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Oh dear...sure hope I am doing this right! I have been reading your forums all day and hoping that I can join. If I am doing this right, would somebody please let me know. I am new to this hobby and have lots of questions.


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Gee, it is 1:13 a.m. in the morning here! Please, forgive me I'm a little sleepy.

I have a 10 gallon tank and already regretting not getting a bigger one to start with. Soooooo many questions, but will start with just a few:)

I have 1 goldfish, 1 platy (since March 24th). Friday I purchased what I thought were 3 glolight tetras. The pet store said they were glolights but from everything I have seen here and on the net I think they are black neons...silver, irridescent green stripe and black stripe, what do you think?

The problem here is that we only have one pet store and one department store that sell fish. Sadly, I am discovering there is alot they don't know!

I'll tell of my first few weeks of being a newbie in next posting!

Thank you so much for letting me know...I HAVE ARRIVED:)

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Thanks for the welcom Billaney!

I like this place...everyone is so nice and quick to respond:)

I did read the forum guidelines...but not exactly sure I understand, if I am permitted, or if I know how...hahaha.

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Hi Caper

If you go to http://www.photobucket.com and open an account (it's free) you can upload your photos to it, from there copy the code in the box URL, then start your message on here click on the Img box above then paste the code then click on image again, if you do a preview you should be able to see your photo.

Hope this helps : -)>

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The body shape looks about right but the colour looks far too pale, it might just be the flash but i don't think so. It does look like a tetra but maybe some other type, lemon tetra or the like.

Can't tell from that , sorry

Here is one of my Black Neons you can see the colour is much darker.


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Hi Billaney,

Comparing my tetras to yours: the overall color of my tetras doesn't look as dark as yours, but mine does have the black stripe with the green on top & around the eye, silver above & below the stripes. Do you think when they get a bit bigger, I'll be able to tell better?

When I bought them they had 2 kinds of tetras, she told me the ones I had were glolight and the others were "brass". The "brass" almost looked like an orange stripe. But again they were pretty tiny!

I'll keep trying to get a better picture of them. I tried to get a better picture of them last night...but they just would not cooperate :)

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Hi Casper

If you have just got them they could still be stressed and therefore lost a lot of colour but i would have thought in a day or two it would have returned.

I'd say keep and eye on them it it is a tetra as you think and you really like it/them them it does not really matter too much what type it is but i agree its always nice to know and frustrating to be sold a fish as one thing and it turns out something else

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  • 3 weeks later...

:lol: Hello, i am a newbie as well. this is a great site and have been reading for hours. Found a few things i am not sure about i wounder if someone could clarify them for me.

1. Can you keep Goldfish and tropical fish in the same tank?

2. What is a bristlenose??? Have heard alot about them but can not find a picture.

Thank you for any response.

I will keep reading.

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As a rule goldfish are cold water and tropicals as the name says are warm so i don't think they should be kept together.

and this is a bristlenose , this is a young female the male has bristles on its nose when it matures.


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hey shauntilyard

start a new post and ask your Q's in the welcome part of the forum and tell people about your self eg where your from what fish you have etc etc more people will answer


Hey thanks for the advise. i am new to this kind of stuff and not sure of the requirements. But thanks

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As a rule goldfish are cold water and tropicals as the name says are warm so i don't think they should be kept together.

and this is a bristlenose , this is a young female the male has bristles on its nose when it matures.

Hi thank you for the advise, was just not sure and am looking for ideas for a tank. thank you

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Hi shauntilyard :P

This is a great site with lots of great people who are really willing to help us newbies. As you will see, they will tell you that it is best NOT to combine the 2.

If you read any of my posts, you will know that I have a goldfish & tropicals. I knew that goldfish were coldwater but was told by the pet store that I could put with tropicals!

Anyway, if I had to do over I would not combine the 2. Bristlenoses, just learning from here about them.

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