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missing male bristlenose


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hi there

can't seem to find my male common bristlenose in my 75 gallon tank. well established tank, parameters normal, female bristlenose and male yellow brislenose seem OK. recent unexplained death of female yellow balck eyed bristlenose has got me worried. lifted up one of the ornaments - no sign of him. it's been about a week and a half since i last saw him. havn't lifted up driftwood - thought maybe (hopefull) he is guarding some eggs, hiding away. he is more shy than the others.

what do you guys reckon? feel upset, not sure what to do.

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I wouldn't worry, i changed my tank around a bit and put a standard female B/Nose in with my male (been by himself for a couple of years) and i have only seen her once this week, they are very good at hiding and usually come out at night, i do the sly thing and check them with the video camera on 0 lux (its like infrared).

Can check on them in basically pitch black conditions and they cant see me :wink:

It's quite possible hes looking after eggs, as i found out the first time my GBA spawned, i didn't find out till eggs with tiny tails were moving around in the tank.

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isn't that wierd? after going on the web found my fish this morning! tried to see him last night with a torch and lights out, couldn't find him. got up this am and there he was! looking no worse for wear. now he's out and about, and the female is missing! maybe they take turns babysitting? so glad he's OK, couldn't have coped with another bristlenose death.

do you think there are babies somewhere? if so, how long before i see them?

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That would probably be the best bet (so long as its one of the plastic ones, I find that the net onescan get cloged up with muck pretty quick). If there are any fry that you catch make sure that you have a airstone bubbling into the trap, and try to have food with them most of the time (with corrgett (sp), catfish tablets, ect) and also make sure you keep any uneaten food out of the trap to stop it fouling the water in there.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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no fry i'm afraid. he must have just gone walkabout. nevermind.

at least he's alive! i'm now putting a fresh vegie in each second day to try and keep diet really high in fibre as they get a bit of protein, sharing the clown loaches food. hopefully no more deaths.

thanks for all the moral support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

guess what catbrat! found some BN fry! almost 2 cm, and so far i've found about 4. have followed your advice and have managed to catch 2 of them and put them in a breeder trap (plastic) with an airstone and a piece of zuccchini and bit of spirulena tablet. they look happy!

now i have to get another airstone pump for the tank, as i've found if you have one airstone at the top of the tank, the other attached airstone gets no air flow as i guess the air must folllow th path of least resistance. never mind

yay! so excited. think it is all the vegies i've been feeding those BNs. wonder where he laid the eggs.

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well the babies escaped the floating breeeder trap if you can believe it. so hoping they'll do alright in the main tank. lots of algie around, and hopefully they'll get to the bottom to get some courgette. apparently i should put some foam over the filter intake according to another website. worried about the filter if i do this - will it stuff it up?

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  • 4 weeks later...

What other fish do you have in the tank, i tried some small swords(40mm) in my GBA tank to eat mossie larvae and saw the swords pecking away at the 1 week old fry so out they cam. Best thing i've found is a dedicated tank per species if breeding. Depends on how much room/money/time you have (never quite enough of any of these).

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  • 2 weeks later...

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