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Total newbie


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Hi everyone.

I moved to Waiheke Island about a month ago and was given a fully set up tank with a few fish. Unfortunately after a newbie error (placed the tank on an uneven surface and it cracked) I now have a repaired tank and the fish that came with it - a huge common pleco over a foot long (anyone interested in taking it off my hands then please send me a message), 3 x 3 spot gouramis and 3 neon tetras (were 4 but one died during my calamity). Have gone through a huge learning curve in a very short time but still have so much to learn.

I have purchased 5 more neon tetras, 5 x long fin zebra danios and 5 x long fin leopard danios so hopefully they will arrive safely in the next day or so. Any suggestions of what I can add - something with a bit of colour would be great. As mentioned earlier - will be trying to rehome the pleco as he is huge - oh and tank is 150 x 45 x 40 (270ltrs).


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