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Shark + Loaches


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Anyone had experience keeping either a Rainbow or Red-tailed shark with loaches -- namely, Zebra, Angelicus and Yoyos? I assumed this would be a no-no as sharks tend to hate anything else shark-shaped but research tells me that apparently they make good tank mates.

Also can anyone attest to the algae eating prowess of sharks? I know they aren't massive algae-hoovers but I've read they do graze on it. I am wanting something that nibbles on algae for my 240l Asian community. Obviously plecs are from the wrong continent so they're out, I don't have room for another school so that rules out siamese algae eaters and I hate chinese algae eaters. :sml2:

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Hi i have a rainbow shark in with my loaches they don't bother each other but they do have 1200L to avoid each other in. Really depends on the attitude of the fish sometime u get a angry fish for no reason. as for algae it does nibble on bba but doesn't do anywhere near as gooder job as ugly old chinese algae eaters

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i have a rainbow shark who will lightly graze on algae, not so much on the glass, but more on the plants.

I think the rainbows are slightly less aggressive than the Red tails.

But my rainbow will chase any new fish for the first day and then lose interest. He has a dislike for the wagtail platys and has shredded the odd guppy tail.

He has never killed any fish except for newborn guppy fry and an aging platy.

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