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Dam whitespot!


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Noticed a couple of tiny white spots on my clown loache yesterday and today return home from work to find it's spread to half the fish in the tank.

I've upped the temp to 29-30 deg and increased aeration.

And done close to a full treatment of blue circle white spot cure (didnt wanna go too hard out on the clown). Also removed the carbon from the filter

Anyway, just wondering if there is anything else I should be doing to help the cause?



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I'm no expert on loaches, but am replying since no one else seems to be.

I understand that loaches don't take well to white spot cures cause of their scales (or lack of). As I say I don't no if this is correct but suggest that you keep a really close eye on it and if you see any bad signs do a large water change and put the carbon back in. Maybe a low dose (half) would be a good idea to.

Hopfully someone who knows more will be able to confirm.

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I have recently had to treat a tank for white spot, and I have two clown loaches in the tank, and they responded very well to the blue circle medication.

Loaches seem to be one of the first fish in a tank to respond to any changes (consciousor not) and so they are often the first to get white spot and so they are good indicators of a potential problem in a tank.

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clown loaches actually don't like higher temps they shouldn't be put over 24-25 degrees aparently. As said earlier because they don't have scales the white spot cure actually hurts them or somthing. Almost all diseases are a result of bad water quality or undue stress (although clown loaches get white spot easily) so you should focus on the cause of the problem not the immediate solution. the white spot cure will only attack the ich when it is in its cyst state (I thik this is about every 3 days) when it drops off the fish to reproduce.

Good Luck with it all


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