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Echinodorus spp.


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My new tank has been running for about 5 weeks now so I thought I'd post some pics of the plants if see if anyone has any suggestions to make them happier.

The tanks is a Jewel Rio 400 (450l) with it's stock filter plus an Eheim Pro II (this was left over from a pre-quake tank so I thought I may as well use it since it was taking up room in the garage). Substrate is 45l of Dalton's Aquatic, ~1cm of playground sand and ~1cm of 2-4mm gravel. Lighting is stock = 4 x 4ft T5's which I believe equates to med-high lighting? I'm dosing with Excel every other day and Fluorish twice a week. I've just set up a DIY CO2 system as a precursor to getting a gas cylinder. pH - 7.2, NH3 and NO2 both 0 and NO3 - 10. Temp - 27C

I didn't really have much of a plan with the plants to be honest, aside from at least 1 large sword and a mat of chain swords. At the moment I've a large Echinodorus uruguayensis and Echinodorus macrophyllus also a red Echinodorus - not sure of the species and some chain swords. I also tied java fern to some driftwood which is just beginning to take off and put in some Ambulia as a fast growing plant as an attempt to cut back on algae. I also got some wisteria for the same reason, this can be seen in the macrophyllus pic, but I'm not convinced it is wisteria.

The swords are all doing well and most of the leaves in the pics are new - although the new leaves of the uruguayensis seem pale - is this normal or is something lacking? Algae has been OK - had a short bloom of brown but that's all gone now and just have mostly green hair algae which is 90% in the top 10 cm.

Fish include 9 adult Sterbai corys and a bunch of babies, also 12 hatchett fish. The original plan was to add 6 discus and an L014 plec, but the way the tank is looking now, I think 6-8 Peru Altums (if I can find some nice ones in Christchurch) and 4-6 L002 Tiger plecs would look really nice.

Any suggestions, comments, advice etc.. greatly appreciated.




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