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Hey there guys,

I was just wondering.What are the "AVERAGE" water parameters that tank bred discus thrive in?

COMPARED to wild discus water parameters.

I will be setting up my discus tank soon,and was thinking which way to go.Wild water parameters or stick to what the tank bred discus ,i'll be buying, live in now.

Also is 30 - 32 deg sound too warm for the discus?

I want to feed them live food as much as possible.I live near the Ashley and waimak rivers in chch.Are there any live lurgy's i can catch for my fish?

Bog wood from rivers.Is it safe ?

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Hehe, don't think you have realised it, but you have opened up a can of worms, as there is no right or wrong of doings things, and everyone has a different opinion! (as you will no doubt find!)

I keep my discus at a temp of about 28 degrees C, and their water at about a pH of 6.6. I take water direct out of the tap, place it in large drums with pH down and water ager, and I leave it for a week before adding to the main tank. My fish are spawning in this water, so they must be ok! :)

Jack Wattley, who is seen as the global expert on discus has said that discus can be kept at a variety of ph's, and he has seen them in tanks at 7.2pH, and he feels that younger discus grow better in a neutral pH, rather than water that is slightly more acidic...so there you have it! Is he right, I just don't know.

Bog Wood should be ok, probably best to boil it if you can, or give it a really good soak/rinse to get rid of any nasties!

Live food, personally I would never use wild caught live food for any of my fish...especially my discus! It's just too risky, you never know what diseases those lurgies will introduce. If you are set on live food, better to grow your own if you can.

Discus are best fed on beefheart with generous amounts of fresh garlic. I use discus tucker, along with flake food and tetra colour bits to fed my discus.

Hope that helps - no doubt others will have differing opinions though, which is all good! :P

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The best success i have had at discus is with straight tap water, mine breed like rabbits, Ph 7.3, temp 28 Never 30-32 unluss you have a case of white spot or need to medicate, Kh 3, NH4 0, NO2 0, NO3 0

Soon i will be using DI tap water with a secret recipe of additives, please note you cannot use Just DI water it is too pure and will dissrupt osmo regulation



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