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Siamese fighter fish

Siamese ika

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Hi there, i love siamese fighter fish, i want to Know everything and anything about them, so if you have any info please feel free to leave a message.



Thanx for all the info guys, i have just started keeping Siamese fighters.

I have researched Siamese fighter fish (so i wouldnt stress them or torture them!) but even still i have learned a bit more from you guys than the books, so thanx.

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Went through a stage awhile back where we were into Bettas, had three Males and several females (the males wernt together obviously).

Until the dreaded and hated DISEASE (and an overly aggressive Angel)

wiped them out :cry:

I am now thinking about getting the smaller tank back out of the cupboard and getting another male and a couple of females!

Should be great!

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Hi there again,

I have just bought a Male siamese fighter fish. I am yet to

him a name. But more to the point i read in a book that the

preferrable temperature for the siamese fighter is 27

degrees. i just wanted to check if this info is correct and if

so is it alright for neon tetras to live in those conditions.

P.S Any ideas for a name, im stuck for one

He's very curios, exploring his new surroundings

also every time i come to the tank he comes a has a

look at me to see whats happening.

He's also very sociable and friendly, when he and the

neons first got put into the tankhe stuck with the neons.

He's a red siamese and still young as i was told that he

was put in a tank with other males because they had

not yet matured to start fighting to the death.

He is soooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Him and his gang of neons!

I think i might go out and buy him a couple of women!

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