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I wasn't sure were to post this but I need some help. We did a water hardness test on the guppy tank yesterday and it has gone from 6deg to 25deg in a couple of weeks. We have added aqua plus but that has made no difference we have also checked the water from the water filter that we use when we do a water change and that is 6deg. We did a 50% water change last week. Any ideas what we should do??

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If its not your water supply thats causing it, it must be something in the tank, maybe a rock or shell in your substrate. Putting some peat in your filter should soften the water but might make the water brown/yellow. However you should try and find the cause, to test your rocks take them out of the tank and put vingar on them if they bubble (fizz) at all they will increase your hardness.

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Strewth!! There is a "pillow" you can get from your LFS that sits in the filter. I cant remember the brand name - someone will post with it soon I bet!

[edit] Aquarium Pharmaceticals Water Softening Pillow [edit]

Mine was "a bit high" at 200 degrees (12 drops from the test kit ) put the pillow in and it dropped to "6 drops" in a couple of days. Although that i suspect will only be a short term solution you need to find out what is causing it.

Not an "expert" but this time of year you may need to consider evaporation as a cause. Are you still taking out some water when you do weekly water changes? If you are just topping up as the water evaporates you are concentrating the minerals that contributes to hardness.

I have a small 60l tank that is "loosing" about 4l of water a week. I still take out 4-6l and add 10l of new water. (With the lids off too keep it cool my big tank is evaporating about 10 l per week!)

I am sure some of the long term experts will chip in too so wotch this space...

Hope that helps, John

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Thanks for the help. I checked all the rocks before I set up the tank but I will recheck.

I guess I will also make another trip to the lfs and see if I can get a pillow or some peat they didn't have any pillows at animates the other day but I will try wetpets.

Thanks again for the help

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