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born free


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just like the song, i let all my marine animals free today.

after a year of having a rock pool tank i decided to stop.

and am quite sad.

i split up with my partner about 3 months ago, and am running a lifestyle block and work commitments left me little time to maintain the tank.

so today i took a day off work and let the little guys go.

to my suprise i found lots of baby creatures in the tank.

the starfish, the shrimp, and the crabs have all breed in the tank.

also the usual snails and limpits and worms etc.

when i took them all to the beach today(big job) i put them in a big rock pool, the big fish were that tame after a year that they still swam into my hands looking for food!!, that was real sad.haha how silly is that, being sad that a fish swims into your hand.

anyway, the tank is now empty.

i also think that a 5ft tank is not big enough for a proper cold marine tank. the fish and creatures seem to need a lot more room, and my tank was understocked i belive.

i will have another marine tank in the future, when the house is extended, i will build a wooden tank with glass front that holds at least 3000 lt,

as for now, i read a post on the fresh water side about native fresh water tanks. as i have a dam at the back of the farm and a big stream running through the forrest next door, i will give this a go. at least i wont have to spend hours driving to a boatramp to get water, i have a water-ram pumping water from the dam to the house now, so i could set up a trickle feed system that is virtually maintainance free.

seen some great looking fish in the stream, sort of like zebra stripped and there is also the crayfish, and little guppy like fish, and and..... yes i think i can still have some fun!!

to all of you who have rock pool tanks...enjoy, i'll be back into it soon again.

i'll still be around here though, i love this site, i'm not a big poster, but am an avid reader, and have a lot of experience with rock pool tanks, this was my third.

see ya around


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I once had a local leather-jacket that I caught in a rock pool,

only 100mm or so long, he grew fairly fast, and use to spit water at me as I ate my meal in front of him

He wanted peas off my plate.

But like all good things, I too had to release him, he'd got close to 300mm by then.

So I took him around the "Heads" and released him into a channel in the rocks that led out to the open sea.

I climbed the cliff behind me, and watched him swim slowly down the channel to the big aquarium, I too had tears running down my cheeks.

I like to think he made it ok.

Alan 104

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