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Earthquake proofing!? Sealed tanks?


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I'm sure I'm not the first to get sick of rebuilding my tanks,

I've been looking on the YouTube at tiny reef tanks that are sealed, can anyone help me out with some good and solid build guides or info on how this might be achieved...?

Example, the second tank he shows is divided into two. This is the kind of thing I'm after but not neccesarily that small.

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my friend had his glass lids slide in and smash he has cut lids out of 3.5mm perspex which is about $20 a 600mmx600mm sheet they flex a little but he plans to brace them slightly with the offcuts these wont smash but will be no better than the glass was at keeping the water in he has taped 3 of the 4 lids down so hopefully that does it . i would be inclined to go with extra wide euro bracing to catch the slosh prhaps 50 or 60 mm say for a 4ft tank id also use perspex lids

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