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Just added my second batch of fish.


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So it's been over a week with just my two corys (dubbed Cory and Dora :roll: ) in the tank, Ammonia was at 0, so I figured it was time to add another two to the tank. I was going to go get another cory and a bristlenose, but the bristlenoses didn't look too flash (did they have whitespot?), so I figured I would hold off. What to get then? I wasn't sure if I wanted 4 corys in my little 34 litre, and I didn't want to get 5 tetras and jump from 2 to 7 fish so quickly, so I got 1 cory and one dwarf gourami (blue).

I realized how healthy Cory and Dora ( :roll: ) were when I saw the poor cory I just got. He was dumped in the same bag at the lfs as the gourami, even though they were from separate tanks, with only a cupful of water from his tank to assimilate (?) the water conditions. He wasn't looking happy when he got home, floating at the top and a little off on one side. Once he was in the tank tho, he seemed determined to keep up with his new room-mates, and has been following them around ok. The Dwarf Gourami is a little shy, but seems fine.

So slight change of plan on the stocking schedule, but all's well (so far).


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