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I have been thinking of getting a couple of new fish.....I have always loved the colours of fighters, and have heard lots of different stories about how the react with other fish etc.

Can 1 male and a female or 2 live happiliy in a community tank? or are they better in their own species tank.....or do they all have to be sepperated?

What is their ideal tank setup?

Anyone know where there are any nice ones for sale in the North or Auckland ....oh and what is the average price?

Many thanks,

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Hi Phil

I had heard lots of things about fighters too before I bought mine.

I keep my male and a female in my discus tanks with some neons and danios, and have never had any problems.

I have heard that if you have a large enough tank, where every male can establish and defend their own territory, then you may be able to have more than one in a tank. I have never tested this theory however!

I have actually found some of my females to be very aggressive. I had one who was so possesive over her man, that she killed off the competition - and then the male as well! Now I keep one female with a male, but that may reduce your ability to breed...am not sure though!

The best advice I ever had about fighters is that they are pretty intelligent creatures, and each will be slightly different, one may be very placid, anothers may be pretty aggro. Probably best to go with one male and female, and then add another female at a later stage. Would be interested in what others think.

Hollywood and Jansens usually have good fish, but it would probably pay to contact them to see when they are getting in a new shipment so that you have a few males to pick from.

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Ive kept fights But have never tried brreding them. In the time that i was keeping them there was 1 male and 1 female in the tank. the males always flared up at the females but they didn't cause any harm to each other.

The males would become more agressive if a mirror was placed next to the tank. Fearing that their reflection is another male they get rather frisky. Also fun to watch them get angry with themself.

If you want to put a mirror next to your tank don't leave it their for much longer then 10-20 minutes. The males can get stressed from chacing their reflection.

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