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A reminder that all club Secretaries are required to notify the FNZAS Secretary in writing by the 14th day of April this year the names and addresses of its delegates.

If your AGM falls after this date can you please notify the Secretary directly after your AGM.

If no written notification of the names of your delegates is received, the last recorded delegates still stand, and any new delegates will not have voting rights at the AGM in June, or any meeting thereafter.

In the event of a delegate not being able to attend a particular meeting of the Federation, the Society concerned may appoint a proxy. Notice of such appointment in writing to be in the hands of the Federation Secretary before the meeting commences. A proxy need not necessarily be a member of the Society appointing but may if the Society so desires be a member of the executive.

Also, if you club has held its AGM and your committee details have changed, please send these details to the FNZAS Secretary as well, the clubs pages on the website will be updated as these are received. If you wish to add more information for prospective club members to your page, send that information as well.

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