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Long Fin Zebra Danio eggs! And more small easy breeders...


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So after looking at them every time I went in to the LFS I bought half a dozen Longfin Danios. I bought them home, set up a spawning tank and within 24 hours have hundreds of eggs in a tank. Today we ended up going back and cleaning out the tank, ending up with a nice school of 15. I am most impressed with these fish and wonder now why I didn't get them sooner.

They're apparently getting in some pearl danios, and I may be able to get celestial pearl and giants in.

What other types can we get here and has anyone had experience breeding other small egg scattering tetras or barbs (not cherry, they're already getting a breeding tank) as they're putting in an order tomorrow apparently and i'd like to order more fish asap as it's fairly hard to locate anything here!

Cross your fingers my fry survive!

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Congrats! I used to have pearl danios (IIRC) but they never did anything for me, especially not after just 24 hours! My quickest spawns would have to be jewel cichlids and convict cichlids. Both spawned within a week of being introduced into their tanks. But 24 hours! They don't waste any time, lol! :happy2:

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I'm so exicted! I transfered them back to a three foot tank now and i'm waiting ever so patiently for my wee eggs to hatch. There's more than I originally thought, you just have to look hard!

I'm on an insane fish breeding mission now. It's good to have hobbies! :D

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