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milky coloured mark on the glass?


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Hello everyone, my new tank has a milky sort of stain on the inside of the tank, the current owner has had a go at scraping it off with little or no success, just wondering if anyone has come across this? what is the best idea to clean the inside of a tank with? I was told warm salty water and a harsh cloth (eg one of those green scourer things) but i dont want to add more scratches etc than there already are..

heres a pic of what is on the glass:


yes the white on the left is what im talking about :):)

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Thanks guys, I thought possibly a calcium build up, but where from? It was on the tank when it came from the person who kept the lizards, I will certainly give the razor blade a go, I was a little worried about the green scourer.. Dont want to scratch it any more than it already is :(

on a side note, is there a way to partially hide or lessen the appearance of a scratch? something aquarium safe? Ive got 26kg of midnight express gravel so that might bring the substrate up high enough to cover them... fingers crossed!!

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  • 3 weeks later...


dont know what it was, but a razor blade sorted out the majority of it, obviousally did this before I filled the tank etc :)

There is still a tiny bit on the glass that i missed :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry but its not too noticeable.. thanks for everyones help on this :)

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