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siamese tigers


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Last time I was there they only had one left and they said they had sold the other 2 or 3 that they had. They were getting pretty skinny there for a while, so I'm not sure how they would have survived. The one that they had left was being fattened up with white worm and seemed to be doing quite well.

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  • 2 months later...

thanks... will do that this weekend... they are awfully expensive though... there were a couple i saw today... the shop would only sell them as a pair... 99.95 each... they were tiny...about 2 inches... and their colour was all faded and scrappy and looked dirty....

another shop i went to.... they were selling sumatran tigers for 110 each... bigger in size...but all sold out...

I am just looking for one...to add to my tank... but dont want to pay too much for it... would it be possible to get a small one for about 70?

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Hi Richard

$100 and up seems to be the price for these guys unfortunately

I would suspect the shop would have a hard job selling a "PAIR" if indeed they were at the price they want for them :o

You never know your luck , if you order one from your LFS then you might get it a bit cheaper if they know it will be in and out of their door within days


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