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Tank Layout Ideas


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Howdy all!

Im after some ideas regarding tank layouts and stocking ideas for a communal corner tank - 305L, (UFO880), currently I have:

2x Angels

5x Odessa Barbs

4x Tiger Barbs

1x Bristlenose Pleco

1x Clown Loach

1x Swordtail.

My plan was just to increase the numbers of odessas, tigers, and loaches, and give my swordtail some lady friends, however im wondering what everyone else thinks :) also I have a smallish piece of driftwood (approx 30cm long) which looks perfect in my AR620T, but its going to look very small in the new tank.. so im thinking either a large feature piece of driftwood with plants on the wood & around it, or a rock / wood theme reusing the wood I currently have.

Does anyone have a setup similar to this? or a similar themed tank? Id be interested to see pics as I cant find many via google or other fish websites, Thanks alot in advance :) :lol: :lol:

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cool, thanks! :) i was only thinking of getting him some lady friends as i was told by my LFS they are supposed to be paired up 1m to 2f? is this not the case? Cheers :)

On another thought, im going to the lake today, are rocks etc safe from the Rotoma lake? or any lake? or any special things that need to be done other than a good clean to make them safe for my tank? Cheers!

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