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Some of the larger cichlids, share experiences...


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Well as you know I have a large collection of fishes...70 ish tanks atm.

But the tank in the house has large cichlids in it.

I have a few plecs and synos in a 6 ft tank with a small school of Chocolate Cichlids.

These fish are great and I would highly recomend them.

Get to a good size less aggro than Oscars and much much more colourfull and 10 x the personality.

They are highly interactive and the first "big fish" I have kept for any lenght of time

Have been looking at some red belly pacu as I have been offered a 3x1.2 x 1.2 19 mm glass tank with steel bracing....need to give it some thought

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70 tanks!!! :nilly: man, you are so absorbed into the hobby. Nice though :wink:

I have seen a few chocolate cichlids, but never any really large ones, how big do they grow? Aggressive?

Get the big tank! Pacu are cool but only if you can actually support them, I haven't seen one in ages though - a good thing.

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flowerhorn = made me have to rehome everything else so it could have the 500L to itself.

otherwise, great fish...

with the larger cichlids (25cm+ adult size) i would prefer to keep them solo as a wet pet, or just a breeding pair (which depending on species can be rather difficult to obtain)

they are all pretty similar really, some more agro than others.

communities of big boisterious cichlids even in large large tanks are hit and miss also.

just my 0.02c.

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Pics of Nav's chocolate cichlids? The ones I have seen look quite drab, dull greeny/brown colour?

There are 2 species known as chocolate cichlids in NZ, I can't remember the names but one is quite dull the other quite bright, I am sure Nav can fill you in if you ask him he was the one telling me about it..

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Anyone keeping stuff like red devils, jaguars, blackbelt cichlids etc? Those tend to be quite sparse here in the hobby, pictures will be appreciated :D

Man..I loveee :love: big cichlids :happy1:

i usedto like tetra & fighters but i didnt get along well with plants in the tank. so i switched to the bigger cichlids..

right now my collection in comunity tank;

packs of Chocolate cichlids (greedy feeder)

Packs of B/G Jack Dempsey (great colour fish, but aint that agressive fish

with temp@26C :lol: )

Jaguar( beautiful fish, nothing can stand in it way when feeding time :an!gry, it like feeding jaws)

Black belt/ Vieja( nice colouration fish, still waiting for that big lump on the head,

people do get good return for that fish! some1 was selling it for $60 for average size..I am grabing me some more to put in my tank next week :lol: )

Red Devil..(my is still a sissy! i hear they are real agressive n a comunity tank!.2 weeks now still havnt done any damage :facepalm: )

Midas( Mr & Mrs looked abit agressive, their lip remind me of the Joker, but they do looked like those gold fish with white and orange patches :lol:

Red Terror(with 1,000ltr its just keeping cool to it territory :wave:)

Good thingsabout cichlids is that you can feed them with many foods, i feed all dead baby fish to them.. :happy2: i saw a guy feeding guppy to his cichlid one time :happy2:

to me all big fish are more exciting and have more personality

than those tiny fish.. :happy1:

What are your thought for for big fish keeping? :nilly:

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Good to hear your cichlids are going well, don't suppose there are many midas cichlids around, I would like to get one too.

Probably gonna sell my jar to make way for some cichlids - can keep a few with the aro, but not other community fish :an!gry

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