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Idea for a New Tank


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remember, more volume needs more filtration:D

The volume actually makes no difference to the filtration, if fact given the same load more volume will let you get away with less filtration. Discus are meaty food eaters but like very clean water so you would wont to go with more filtration than a standard load in a tank that size. Unless you can spend $700 on an FX5 or similar I'd be looking at building a sump for filtration.

I note you have budgeted for the tank but have you considered the other costs? The tank is only going to make up a small part of the total cost. Filtration I have talked about, but there is also heating, a couple of good quality 300w heaters will set you back $200, a deep tank is going to need really strong lighting just so you will be able to see the fish, so T5 or better. You might also want to think about how you are going to do water changes, maybe plumb in an overflow.

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