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Hi guys I have one fluval plus 2 filter system in one juwel tank and the other juwel tank has the standard juwel bioflow mini so having 25 community fish in each tank that's 60 litres is ok with just that filter in each one. I ask the lfs and they said that's perfect but I went on this aquatic website and It said I should have extra filter In each one.

So what you guys think. :lol:

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I agree with dennis on this one, my girlfriend has a fairly heavily stocked cichlid juwel vision 180 with just the stock juwel filter and its fine, just need to keep up with the water changes. With tetras, the bio load won't be too high for the filter anyway, they're not that messy fish.

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Juwel filters are fine.

The less filtration means more waterchanges. Thats all really. (unless you have no filter, then IDK)

I've had my juwerl 240 with heaps of fish in it incl. discus with only the juwel filter and had no problems.

You really only do water changes to remove the nitrates so providing all the ammonia is getting converted to nitrites and then to nitrates then you wont have to do any more water changes with less filtration. Yes you may want to because with less filtration there may be more crud lying around but it wont be necessary to keep the fish alive.

25 fish in a 60L tank has the potential to overcrowd what fish are you putting in each one?

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