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Norm the one eyed frog!


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Hehe, I remember keeping frogs as a kid, we used to go for walks and look in all the troughs for tadpoles. We used to keep them in an old sink with chicken mesh over the top of it.

And then one year I remember my cousin calling me to ask what I wanted for my birthday, and I told him I wanted some frogs.... so when I got my birthday present I went down to where the frogs were kept all excited and opened my present and when I opened it, it was nail polish lol.....so gutted.... I was pretty young, but I have no idea how I thought a brown paper bag with nail polish in it could possibly have been frogs!!!! :roll:

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A few years ago we had 8 tadpoles. When they morphed only 3 had 2 eyes, 4 had 1 eye, and one had no eyes.

We still have two one eyed frogs. And yes having one eye is a real disability when you have to hunt your food. I notice that they have sussed moving their whole body around to look but of course then that scares their prey. I doubt they could survive in the wild :D

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