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One of my wee peppered corys


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When i bought him/her had a white spot on his back right next to his fin......I thought it was just a funny marking but it did appear to grow a bit..... the other day I noticed it looked a little red and raw so I thought well maybe it was a heater burn, but today I notice its actually quite a deep looking wound.... it seems happy, is eating normally and cruising around the tank fine....not happy with me now because I've put him into a plastic container floating on the top of the tank, I've put a wee bit of salt in there with him....is there anyting else I can do?

Everyone else in the tank is fine and healthy.......

Sorry for the crappy phone pics, can't find my camera...



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Hi there, sorry to hear about your fish.

Sounds like you have done all the right things, and I wouldn't necessarily treat him with anything else (other than the bit of salt you've already dosed him with) as you don't know what it is he has 'got' (if indeed he has got anything other than a wound).

If you can, move him to a separate tank by himself with a well-cycled filter and keep the water nice and clean – 2–3 20-30% water changes a week – the main thing will be not to let his wound get infected. If you can keep the wound clean and the fish healthy, it should heal by itself. Don't treat with Furan 2 unless you know that you are actually treating something bacterial that can be cured by using an antibiotic – talk to your LFS and read up about Furan 2. Furan 2 is an antibiotic – like all antibiotics, it should be used with caution since if it is incorrectly used all it will do is increase antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

You can use Melafix if you wish, since it's effectiveness either way is not really provable, lol :) But, honestly, the best thing in my opinion is just to get him somewhere clean and quiet and let nature do its thing.

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Thanks Pink Fish, what I will do is something up for him tonight, he's sulking in the container I have for him now (as soon as he sees me he lays really still, but when I watch him from a distance he's darting around in there, plus I think he can see the other fish so not happy, he is still really active but the "wound" looks really awful and sore, having said that...this morning I notice its going kinda white around the outside of it so that will probably mean its starting to heal (god I hope so anyway) poor wee guy. I'm going to invest in a heater guard anyway, because if this is a heater burn I don't want any of my other fish to have to go through this.....

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Yeah, he'll be stressing a bit without his mates. If you do move him, don't light the tank you move him to as he'll feel a bit safer. :)

If the white starts to go fuzzy/cottony, that will be fungus – which is quite common around wound sites. If it does turn fuzzy, use Wunder Tonic (or another anti-fungal remedy – Melafix won't help in the case of fungus) to treat it. Good luck! :)

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Okay, hes all set up in his own wee tank....he seems to be quite happily exploring it for now, though looks a bit lonely lol......

I had to move all the plants I have been collecting for the new setup out of the tank so not sure what to do with them now....... I assume they can't stay in there with him.....

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Thanks, I've put the plants back in for now, at least there is somewhere for him to hang out and hide now....I really hope he comes right too poor little guy..... it just looks like it should be so painful and yet he seems to be acting so normally......

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Well he's still happily dancing around his wee tank, even did some landscaping in the night and moved one of the plants over to where the others are, won't keep still long enough for me to get a good look at his back or when he does its the wrong side.....maybe he's embarrased and only likes showing his good side? hehe

Question for when I do his water change, do I add a little more salt at the time or just fresh water with nothing added?

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You can add a bit more salt with each water change, but try to work out roughly how much salt is being taken out and only replace that much – don't accidently add too much (i.e., if you've got one teaspoon in 10L, and you take out 25%, then you'll need to add 1/4 teaspoon to the new 2.5L of water you're adding, if that makes sense). I think that corys are sensitive to salt(?), so less is probably more in this case – have a google. :) IMHO salt isn't all that necessary anyway – just cleaness and peace and quiet. :)

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Hi, I've done a quick reccy, because I wasn't sure either, but it seems that while meth blue will work, this is better for preventing fungus on fish eggs. If you're stuck you should be able to use it, but otherwise I'd recommend a proper antifungal. Fingers crossed you won't need it anyway, eh!?

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I don't know whether the little guy is getting better or not, I had to get a good look at him tonight so pulled him out for a minute to see, it does seem to be a bit fluffy around the wound so I have put some Wunder Tonic in with him, but whatever it is seems to have eaten right through his top fin....he still seems reasonably happy and is eating, I just feel so sorry for him.....

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my female kille bumped into something while trying to escape her boyfriend and has had a wound on her mouth face for a couple of weeks. The water has tonic salts and is well-changed but I think these things generally take a little bit of time to heal up and I think the fluffy thing is normal as mine has a bit of that. She is still eating and zips around like a crazed beast the rest of the time. I had another killie that also got injured while egg making and she healed up OK

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does he have any sand in there? if there's some sand you will see him freeze with excitement and then start burrowing about like a crazed rabbit. In the event that I win Lotto, buy a house, and start a fish room, one of my tanks will be a corydora-only tank with sand on the bottom. I had 7 peppered cories before this tank, I love them

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My cory family is down to 2 now..... I feel so bad for this little guy that I was supposed to care for, I guess at least I know that whatever started the problem wasn't my fault even if I wasn't able to save him...

Oh and thankyou to everyone that gave advise, much appreciated...

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