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Killie with dropsy


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I've got a male gold gardneri killie that developed what I believe is dropsy on Saturday. He has been happy, swimming well, wanting to eat etc. Hasn't lost his colours but has got the pineconing effect all over.

I've just finished a full treatment of furan-2 but he hasn't changed at all. Still seems very happy.

Could it be something else? Would there be a better treatment? I'd rather not lose him if I can avoid it. He's the male I've had in a breeding tank which I've just got some fry from.

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If it is dropsy then IMO its more or less incurable sorry. Dropsy is a fluid retention problem caused by failed kidneys or liver.

What was the furan-2 treatment for?

Epsom salts can help ease the pressure sometimes but I have never had it cure a fish.

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My LFS said that Furan-2 would have the best results if it was possible to recover from. After reading a bit further, it seems most people say epsom salt baths are the best.

I just didn't want to give up on him if there was a possibility of saving him. He's the male I've been using to breed with.

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Hi there, sorry to hear about your fish. :(

Epsom salts will not cure him if he has dropsy – as Bilbo has said, as dropsy is fluid retention due to kidney failure – it may just relieve the fluid build up for a short period of time. Unfortunately, once the fish has sticky-out scales all over the body it is almost definitely too late to cure whatever it is that has caused the kidneys to fail in the first place (any of a great number of things). It's not a pleasant way to go, so as soon as he starts looking uncomfortable, if not before, I would euthanize him.

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