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R.I.P :(


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Yesterday i found my only male nigeriatum gardneri gold dead, on the floor of my tank! Nothing wrong with it absolutly no cause for death either. :cry:

Then this morning i woke up to go feed the remaining of my killies and find that my male scheeli is missing, hes not in the tank with the two girls and it had a totaly covering lid, I pulled the whole tank apart to try and find him, and i looked all around the tank, everywhere, hes just disappeared, so im a assuming he must have jumped while i had the lid open? although i cant remmeber opening it exept for last night when i fed him white worms( and i watched him eat them). He was my favourite killie :cry:

Both those killies where the only males of the species i had so if anyone has a spare male or two, that i could buy off them, it would be muchly appreciated. :(

Shae 250

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Only just read and replied to your PM.

What a jolly nuisance these fellows are.

Why don't the females do the decent thing, so that you can carry on trying to breed them.

Did you get any eggs from both species before they jumped, or died.

I remember you said you had eggs. But not sure which ones.

I have eggs coming soon.

Have you checked with Stu?

Alan 104

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Sad news Shae, I don't know those fish but the death of any fish is not good. I expect the others would have eaten him, that happens all the time to me - they just disappear into thin air - lost a Silver Shark that way last week, it's a mystery isn't it? You would think that if they were eaten by the other fish there would be some small part of him left somewhere.

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Dawn he was bigger than the females and was in a 300x300x200 tank with a complete lid, there is no way the females would have eatin him. Alan only two of th eggs collected hatched, i have a few dageti a few scheeli 1 gardneri and 4 nothobranchius korthause fry.

Thanks for your condolences.


Shae 250

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No Alan they are not together. Female Scheeli would not have eatin a Mal Scheeli twise there size in prime condition. They are not aggresive fish. And all my tank are in the garage my cat cant get in there, the problem is you'd be surprised how far away from there tank i have found fish, and the garage is full of places to hide, so even if it did jump it would be dead by know, hopefully one of the fry i have is a male scheeli.

Shae 250

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