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Electric Yellows breeding help.


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Hey Guys

My electric yellows have finally started to breed in my 450ltr community tank. The female is holding in her mouth at the moment.... The question is what next?

I have set up a nice 95ltr planted tank with only plants at the moment should I put the new parents into this tank.

Also are they good parents or do they eat their young when they get board :)

To be honest I guess I’m after any good tips



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Plenty of info on here using the search function :)

But your options are to strip the fish or to let the fish spit. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods.

Stripping is good in that it doesn't let the fish get too run down, and means you can let the female hold in the tank with the other fish so she doesn't loose her place and cause her more stress. It is unnatural though and can run the risk (very low) of injuring the fish through handling it.

Letting them spit is natural and easy and the fish lets them go when they are ready. Disadvantages are the fish can hold and not eat for upto a month letting her (and the fry) get quite run down this is not really an issue as you can fatten her up away from the other fish before you introduce her. The other problem is most of these fish are colony forming fish and removing the female to spit means she looses her place in the colony which again can cause her stress when you stick her back in the tank.

The mother will end up eating the babies eventually but wont for a while after spitting them.

Another consideration if the fish were bred in a tank with other africans is if they are pure babies.

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