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Are these in new zealand and what are the price?


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Dull eye is L191. Have seen only a few around. Mystic had a nice one she was trying to sell. Was nice but was also expensive.

I had one, bought it from the first Animates fun day, suspect it was stunted as it grew a lot slower than the L190 I bought from Hollywood a few weeks later as a fresh import (had only been in store a few days), in fact it hardly grew at all over about 18 months and eventually found it dead. Yes there was wood in the tank, and it was offered veges from time to time, didn't do anything differently with the L190 and its growing like a champ.

Here's a pic from when I first got him

http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k186/ ... yal1sm.jpg

*edit* I knew I'd posted that pic before, must have been in the good old days before the size restrictions. Funny how it still works now though!


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