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My Pearl Gouramis


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I have 2 that seem to be male. I am planing to find a new home for one and thought I knew which one was the bully. after a bit close observation, this is what is happening. One will have the spot in the middle of the tank and force the other to stay in the corner and wont even let him out to eat. Day 2 the other one is in the centre of the tank and yesterdays bully is hiding in the corner. This has been happening since I got the tank and fish over 2 weeks ago. Is this normal, I am pretty sure one will have to go as im worried they will kill each other. A man I contacted said even though they are both male they are a peacefull fish and wont fight. Hmmmm mine do.

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Hi, I'd also be interested to hear what everybody else thinks, as I have recently got 2 dwarf gouramis and a similar thing is happening. One has centre stage and if the other one comes out of its sheltered spot it gets chased. I got dwarf gouramis because all the research I read said they were peaceful community fish and I don't particularly want to get rid of one. I hope someone on here can give us an insight, sorry I can't help.

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I have found the male Colisa laila are always agressive and territorial, if they can see another fish, they will chase it. The female always ended up hiding in the bushes in fear of getting chased and rarely ventured out.

I ended up planting a wall of Valisneria across one third of the tank where he hung out so that the other fish could swim about in a bit of relative peace out of sight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a new home for 1 of my Gouramis and the one I have left is just beautiful. He never hides and if I put my finger in he comes up and touches me. Such a big differance its so nice to watch one happy fish rather than two fighting fish who chase each other all day. It was a shame to have to find one a new home but I think it was for the best.

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i have two dwarf gourami in a 160L tank. One is definitely dominant but they both chase each other around the tank. No harm is ever done and then the other will turn around and be the chaser. They just chase in short bursts and then go back to their merry ways. It's actually quite amusing to watch and I love how when they get close to each other they raise their ventral fins to feel each other.. it doesn't always end in a chase.

I have bushy Indian fern (gosh i love how that grows so fast) and other hidey places if they want. But usually they are in close proximity to each other.. it's like a love hate relationship. so funny.

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