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Questions about fish, heaters and...Snails again lol


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im planning on getting some sort of Danios (will use these to cycle the tank) for my new tank and i was hoping to get some glass catfish as well. would they be ok together?

Also I have an Aleas brand 200w heater that ive never used (it has been used though just not by me) and was wondering if they are ok (brand wise) and if 200w is ok for my tank?

Also is it ok to put Blue Mystery Snails in with the fish i want? :o

Tank is

740mm long 320mm deap and 450mm high (100L). i have put fine black pebbles in there but so far nothing else (not even water really want to ge this right)

Also if i can get the Danios and the Glass catfish would i be able to fit anything else into the tank? thanks for the help :hail:

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glass cats and danios will be fine together :D

Where are you getting the blue mystery snails!!!!! they will be fine as well I am jealous !!!

the stocking levels depends on what else you want and how many of the danios/glass cats you are gonna stick in there

Not sure about the heater though, I probably wouldn't trust it seeing as it is also second hand... if you wanted another heater aqua one's are pretty cheap and reliable

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Thanks :D

As to the Blue Mystery Snails there are some on trade me

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =261063914


I really have no idea what other fish i want yet and ill probly get about 6 Danios and 6-10 glass catfish. I wanted to get somthing with a bit of colour as well but i havn't found anything just yet and this is all way in the future as i havn't even started yet lol

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Hi geana_wolf and welcome to fishkeeping!

N1CK is spot-on about stocking-levels.

In terms of the heater, I do agree with N1CK re second-hand heaters, but if you've got the time and are keen to save some $$$, you could test it to see how it goes without any fish in the tank for a few days. I use and have used a variety of different heater brands and have had no problems with any of the cheaper brands really – I've only ever had one heater 'die' on me out of the 20 or so that I've had over the past few years, and that was a Jebo, but I've got quite a few of these still going strong at the moment. 200w should be fine for your tank – maybe a little overkill, but should be fine.

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