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Discus with worms.


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Ok, so this has sort of been an ongoing problem for me. About 5 months ago I found some rather unatractive worms hanging out in my cardinal tetras eyes and fins(and god knows where else). I treated with Adtape, first one dose, and then another about 3 days later. All was well.

I then about a month ago found that one of my discus, who had previously been very outgoing is off behind a log at the back of the tank, and low and behold, hes got some nice stringy white/translucent poo. So I go and grab some more Adtape, and try again.

I havent noticed any white poop since, but nor has he gotten and livelier, and then last night I see on one of my other, more friendly discus, that HE HAS A WORM IN IS EYE. Also, i can see a very small one in a little bubble type structure on the surface of his gill plate.

These are such a pain in the behind! Do I need to do a stronger dosage do you think? (currently doing 5ml for 100L). Ive heard people mention salt baths, but does this just work for surface parasites like flukes? Please help!

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This is the first time i've heard worms coming out of discus eye :o

For the whitish poo you have to treat with metro. Prazi is only for worming.

How often do you do wc and what other fish is in with the discus?

Where did you get the discus from?

What are you feeding the discus?

Are they in a planted tank?

Are you able to take some sharp close up photos?

I would treat them with prazi and metro together.

5mls/100ltrs is not strong enough. I would go for 15 mls.

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Yep, I gotta say, the worms are pretty freaky looking. Less than a mm in width, all squigled along inside, not hanging out, all contained in the eye. When I had them on my cardinal it was even more disturbing, because they seem to create a little bubble around themselves wherever they are, so like on the gill plate theres a little bubble with a worm in it, and the eye swells with a little worm in it. Hey look, there on the fishes nose! A little bubble with a worm in it! I found a fantastic picture on the net somewhere a while ago but have since lost it :(

W/c are twice weekly, maybe 30-40%. Other fish are Cardinals, Rummies, Black widows, black phantoms, a bristlenose, few ottos and a royal whiptail. 5 discus in total, 3 from petshops, 2 from breeders. Fully planted tank. Discus are on bloodworms and Tetra colour bits.

Thanks guru, ill do the 15mls this time around. I have a quarantine tank, but am worried with the worms that if i just quarantine 'wormy-mcgee' that theyll just hide out in someone else. 15mls wont hurt any of my other fish? Also, with the metro used for the white poo, whats that actually a result of?

I'll see if i can get a picture for you.

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Cool grabbed some more adtape and the metro from vets today. Just to make doubly triply sure, its dosing with Adtape and Metro at the same time? This will be fine with my other fish?

Also, with the metro, mister sulky discus isnt terribly keen on food at the mo, so how do i go about dosing the water for starters?

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Yes! dose them together. 400mg of metro per 40 ltrs water. Crushed the tab so it dissolve easier. I use a mortar and pastel to gind it to powder, then add a few drops of water grind them to paste and wash the whole thing in the tank.

It shouldn't hurt the other fish in my experience but keep an eye on things to be sure.

What is the temp of the tank? You might have to increase it by a couple of deg.


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