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How big should A.cacatuoide juvies be?


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I'm not totally sure but I thought around 4-5cms depending on the size of tank, temp, food, water quality etc. I'm pretty sure they should be breeding size by now though.

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Thanks Cam :)

I have a pair of 10 month old fish, the eggs were laid on New years Day, that were the only two survivors of their spawn. I fed them up on Microworm, Whiteworm and Decap Brineshrimp. As soon as they were big enough to survive the rigours of the community tank in they went, too soon it seems :oops: Trouble is they stopped growing, they're only 25mm excluding the tail. They are mature enough to sex but the male doesn't have a lot of colour. I've since got them back into a tank of their own and I'm feeding them up as much as I can but now I wonder if the damage is done and they're a lost cause :-?

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10 months old should be around 6-7cm fully coloured and breeding.. Depends on genetics and how they have been raised etc.. They don't get as much food and the water conditions are generally not as good in a community tank compared to a bare bottomed fry raising tank.

I am unsure if they will start growing but 25mm is very small.. Please update us as it is something I would like to know as well, I doubt they would reach the 9-10cm long males that I have seen :)

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