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can i please have a little help with my white spot cure stuf


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bottle says add 1ml per 20 liters of aquarium water (1 drop per liter). On day 3 add 1ml per 40 liters, if fish show sings of discomfort during treatment make a 50% fresh water change. the brand of this is WUNDER, WHITE SPOT CURE. Ok my question is do i add anything today (day2) i started yesterday, and what about day 4567? also as soon as i added it yesterday my dam angels laid eggs :-? . Any help with any of this would be much appreciated, thank you :D im really new to all of this fish stuff :oops:

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Im using this stuff now and it seems to be working a treat. On day 3. I used half dose to begin with and Ill do another half dose today following a water change today. I caught the whitespot very early though, and quarantined her. Shes doing great its hardly there anymore, but Ill give it another 3 days on half dose I figured just to be sure.

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oops i used full dose yesterday :oops: , but they seem fine, ok so tomorrow do half of what the bottle says, and then how much of a water change should i do around day 5, and treat again as you did with day 3(when should i do that dose?). (but only half of what it says because of catfish), i think ive caught it early as well, one angel fish had like 3 spots on one fin and 1 on its tail and the next day, one of the other angels had one on its fin, and i haven't seen it any where else, sorry i ask too many questions, but if i didn't i would be worried i would get it wrong :D

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I know how you feel Im very new to all this. The way I read it was the first dose lasted 3 days, then a half dose on the third day. So lets say for a 40 ltr tank 2mL on day 1, and 1 mL on day 3. Fish showing any discomfort at any time during this should have a 50% water change. Theres another post some where that refers to the discomfort like coughing for fish, heavy use of their gils. Ive been watching my fish closely and she doesnt seem bothered by it, when I fish put it in the tank she was swimming around in it before it had spread through the tank. But as i said I done a half dose, and quarantined my fish, increased the tempreture slightly too.

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my temp is sitting around 27.5ish to 27.9, i don't see any fish coughing? they just seem normal to me, ive only had them for a week, and ill tell you now they have had a hell of a week, brought them of trademe, and the guy brought them to me, so that was an hour drive, and then OMG the 3rd day i had them, my daughter had tipped a whole thing of baby oil in there tank aaaaarrrrrrrrr, got at least 90% of it off the top and the filter got the rest, so now i don't blame the poor buggers for getting it, so should i do a water change in the nest couple of days, if they seem fine

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i went and got a gravel vacuum thing yesterday :bow: , sooo needed that last week tho, but i got by. Ok so after day 3 dose, do another dose on day 6 (same as day 3s dose) and do it every 3 days till its gone? does that sound about right eeekk :-? and do a WC of about 50% on day 5 and 11, and suck the snot out of the gravel at the same time.

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I not to famialr with the white spot cure as i use "tonic"

But I would follow instructions as per what the bottle says - day 1 add 1ml per 20litres, day 3 add 1ml per 40 litres, day 6 water change with good vaccum then repeat again if the white spot is still there - or if spots are gone add carbon to remove meds.


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ok cool, i did remove the carbon out of my filter, i knew that much lol, ill have to go buy some new stuff in the weekend, because i think it was very old? and there was only one carbon thing in my filter not 2? you guys on here are awesome, i don't know what i would of done :-? , thank you all heaps :bow: , i can now rest in peace about my poor little fishes :bounce:, just looking at my fish now and it seems to be getting smaller, so yay i think its working :hail:, and i also just want to say i like this place hehe, i was a bit worried about asking, because most times when i ask a question i get jumped on for not reading the instructions or something else lol (some confuse me i cant help it lmao) so im really glad you lot helped me, ok im just starting to babble now :lol: *walks off to watch fish*

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