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My Rams Are Spawning!


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Moved out the corys, but they seem to have abandoned them now.


maybe I scared them off or something, shocking pic but should be able to see the eggs there.


sorry for the quality Ive tried everything, they look alot better before i post them too, seems to loose alot of resolution there.

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guess I must be doing something right then hehe, after my male fighter dying i was worried. I think I just scored a 200 ltr tank for a community tank. Im gunna take it very slowly though. Thats my first tank at 3 weeks old, just over 40 ltrs. I think it looks like some where a fish might like to live. I have ugf should i just turn down the amount of air and just pull the stone out of the tube? or shut it off altogether?

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I run them quite low any way, nothing i have is into current all that much. I turned it down to barley on so its nice and quiet. Should I bring the tempreture of the water up, since they are the only fish in the tank? apparently 28 degrees there abouts is that right?

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Just leave them. Rams are fairly easy to breed and if you get a good pair they'll raise they're fry, I've heard the bolivion are usually fairly good parents (Unlike the blue and golds I use to breed :evil: ).

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If im careful not to vac near the eggs would a water change be ok? Ive put a bit of food in the past 2 days that they havnt been interested in so I think its best to vac that out before it goes too yucky. Should I make sure the replacement water is at exactly the same tempreture (usually I just get it close through touch testing) and pH?

I found quarter a novotab is the best food for them right now, it sits there in plain site, they pick at it in between shifts, wont touch nothing else.

Anyways if its ok to do a water change let me know, and any precautions, thanks again people, my fishies all say thanks too.

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Wow live food makes a huge difference, I got a culture of daph off livingart last night, and today theres millions more. But also some mosquito larvae, I net those up asap as I dont want the terrors biting my Nan over the summer, My fish just love them, seems to make a world of difference, like brings out the most hidden personalities. These rams are such sweet fish and dedicated parents, I did a water change and they stood by their eggs no matter what. I was so impressed, humans could learn something, that unconditional love, supposed instict, Its incredible.

Live food though, hehe its funny almost, I think Ill try to keep my fsh on as much live food as possible now, seems to be not just good for the body but for the mind too.

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ARRGGGHH! they're eatin them! They got heaps of foods! unless its hatching time and they hiding them, just seems like a food fest though, both taking turns at picking the eggs to bits. I cants see no fry floating around no where, I can see them swallowing what they peck off the rock they laid on :( Im sad must be something I did wrong.

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:wink: You might want to watch your pair closely and see if they're gaurding or just hanging round a different area. When I bred them my pair would move any wrigglers to a different spot in the tank and continue to move them until they're free swimming.
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I lost all the fry, managed to save 2 but they died, I think the fanning makes a difference to the lil guys, one was just free swimming last night but I couldnt find it today, most likely got too close to a cory mouth or something. Yeah watch the fighters, I had to remove my female fighter from the tank as she was harrassing them none stop and stressing herself out, but now shes all alone and takes up alot of my time paying attention to her, I wish there was another fish she would tolerate, personality makes a difference though I guess, my late male fighter was a sweety.

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Yea i have just put my male into a net cage. He just went nuts!!

I also have 3 females in the tank, but they are much smaller and so far don't have a problem, fingers crossed!

If anything i would have thought that the beta would be the one getting chased :/

The Rams are so cute together! they are swimming up and down the glass together and what looks like kissing each other :P

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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One thing ive learnt about bolivians is they are big blouses. The only time they ever showed any sign of sticking up for themselves was when they were watching the eggs or fry. And even then it wasnt enough to stop my girl shes ruthless ( her new abnme is Ruth :P ). Carefull with ya fighters aye, I seen my boy and girl fighting it wasnt pretty Im just so lucky I was there with them. They were fine together for ages, then something just happened that changed everything, none were hurt luckily but gave me a hell of a fright. If your bolivians start getting those stripes over their eyes more darker then usual, they might be up to some freakiness. I found that line got darker and darker the closer to spawning time, and once spawned it was very vivid and black. jc360 on this site has bolivians galore and breeds some real beauties, anything about bolivians they're the ppl to ask, Im dying to get my large tank up and running to get another 2 pair off them. They are beautiful fish, and very good parents, and yeah that kissing is a good sign they're pairing up by the sounds of things, good luck with them. I love bolivians would love to see someone else getting into them a lil too.

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Hahaha , the fighters are psychos!!

Actually now that you mention the black lines... They have gotten really dark!!!

I have placed a few flat stones in there so hopefully they will spawn :)

Do you think that the fighter could stress the rams to death if left yo his own devices???

or is it wishful thinking that they will all get along .. :/

I wonder how long i can leave the fighter in the net cage .

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Hmm well my Bolivians seemed not to concerned about being chased, but my fighter constantly trying to keep up with them while flaring was wearing her out, so it was more of a concern for her then the rams, when i put her in another tank her colours relaxed and she seemed alot happier. I wouldnt wanna leave him in there too long, cant be pleasant really, but better then getting into fights i guess.

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