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if the ph, ammonia, nitritate is not right . what can i do


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Hi Shiuh,

Luke has basically answered your question at the end of your "Brine Shrimp" thread.

As a beginner... and "if" you want to do this right... then first off you need to get the basic test kits for the things above, as without the knowledge, you can't guess these things.

There is so much printed here, and on other sites about water changes and the effects of ammonia, which a simple search using the "Google" above will show you.

The test kits are important, because you will be banging your head against the side of the tank unless you "first know the condition of the water from your tap"

Knowing this gives you a "firm base" from which to start, but the funny thing is... that if you are on town supply... these readings could change several times over a given week, as it all depends on what the local council decides to stick in your water as the "flavour of the week".. so to speak :)

The quick way to reduce the ammonia levels (which should be zero).. is by water changes, which will also reduce the other toxins... but these water changes must be done with care, to ensure that the water you are adding is around the same temp, and that it is chlorine free and will not alter your existing water so drastically that it will stress your fish.... which only the test kits will verify.

Ammonia.. (as mentioned many times on this site).. is caused by the excess accumulation of fish wastes, or by overfeeding, or overstocking with fish.

Good filtration will in many cases handle this waste, but if the filtration (whatever type you have).. is relativly new... then it is unable to cope with the rise in the bad bacteria because there is not enough benificial "good" bacteria to consume the things that can harm your fish.

I could fill several pages on this, but it is all here if you do a search as above, or a quick rundown is here under "Water Conditions"...

http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/grumpy ... tions.html


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