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Bio Noodles raising PH!


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Yes, he brought them in from Asia very cheap. I went and picked them up from the TM seller myself and saw his fish tanks that he uses them in, so I know at least he trusts them enough to use in his own system! He scooped them out of a huge sack and into the plastic bags that he uses when he sends them off to buyers.

In my tank they do seem to be inert. They have not raised the pH, and did not fizz when I poured vinegar on one to test.

Thats' interesting to know. I wonder if there is something in my water ( it's bore water) that its reacting with.

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Actually the manufacturers want people to use the media for only six months, chuck it away and then get new media :lol:

They would probably have a heart attack if they knew that my eheim pro media was running on 4 years now. :lol:

Ah yes - note my subtle use of language. :wink: You have their assurances from many years of use in aquaria, but not their recommendation for many years of use.

One of my filters has also been running its Eheim media for about four years. I bought the other filter second hand and I suspect it is much older (possibly 10 years or more). After sterilising the media in that one, I am still using it, too. Unfortunately some of the media has become worn, broken, or lost down the plughole :roll: which is why I recently transferred all the original Eheim media into one filter and filled the other one up with the cheap Trademe stuff.

I see no reason to ever throw away perfectly good filter media! Just rinse it or (if it gets in a really nasty state) boil it to sterilise, then keep using it forever!

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Just saw this post, abit concerned cos I purchased 5KG off this guy.... umm, will check when i get home and do some testing....

I have seen the same looking noodles all over the Hong Kong fish markets for really good (cheap) prices and can only assume he got his from the same sources as the markets (as opposed to gettign non aqua ones at even cheaper prices???)

A good side note is that the noodles have been in use for over a month in a small discus tank with no ill effects. Oh yeah, did I mention there are discus eggs in that tank??? :D (cound be a sign they are ok to use??)

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