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How quickly does a Severum grow?


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Hi guys, I've had a trawl on the net, but can't seem to find the answer to this one. We're considering buying a young (3-5 cm) severum and are wondering how long it will be before it reaches full adult size (i.e. so we can plot its living arrangements!).

Thanks in advance!

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depends on a number of factors,

how big it is to start(which you know), size of tank, temperature, age of the fish , other tank mates, feeding etc.

All in all, you should try find how big they are expected to grow to at full adult maturity, and then decide if you can cater for that fish when it gets to that size, so it wont matter if it takes 5 years or 1 year, cos youll be prepared to keep it happy healthy and not crowded.

There probably wont be much call for a big sev if he out-grows your tank, and if it does get to that stage that you have to sell him/her and cant, its not really fair on the fish in the meantime to be living in cramped conditions, if you know what i mean?

do your research, and try not buy things that are going to be too big for what you can offer them. thats my advice

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Thanks Cricketman – all good advice & I absolutely agree. If we buy one, we will be looking to keep it for the duration and we will be always housing it correctly – it would never be cramped. :) I was just interested to know if anyone knew how quickly they grew ...

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It depends on alot of things noone can really say how quickly it will grow for you, it depends on what water conditions you keep it in, what tank mates are with it, what size tank, food, how often you change the water, genetics and probably a whole host of other factors.. I would say you should expect it to grow from 3-5cm to 10cm+ within a year in good conditions..

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