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DIY Lighthood?


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I'm planning on upgrading the lights in my 54L so then plants grow better and I was wondering about DIY lighthoods.

It currently has one 2ft single 18w cool daylight tube mounted in a plywood box over it. This seems to be keeping the plants alive but not letting them thrive. I'm going to add about four times more light over it but I need to know how to make a decent lighthood.

Does anyone have any plans or pictures of their light hoods or any ideas on how to make one?


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What ferts and substrate are you using? In my experience these have been more important that the amount of light. All that happened when I added more light was algae growth.

My method is...

1) Smallest gravel possible without it being sand.

2) 1ml Flourish Excel & 0.5ml Flourish Comprehensive every 4 days, per 40 litres of water.

3) Longer light period, over 12 hours.

4) Start with plants that are suited to low light - Java fern, Crypts & Anubias.

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