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Red Parrots


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My partner wants a red parrot, she thinks they are cute. I actually wouldnt mind one either!

Anyone know how big they actually grow?

The internet says 6-8'', smaller in smaller tanks.

Ive never really believed the 'fish wont grow big in a small tank' theory. Anyone had experience with parrots? how big do they grow?


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When I was living in Canada I got an unwanted fish from a friend they said was a blood red parrot... but looking at pictures on the net it looked to be a red devil... or more red devil than whatever else it was hybridised with?

Very similar orange to pinky colour and shape as this guy:


It was about 20-25cm long and a real character! It used to spit stones against the side of the glass to make noise and get attention. It pulled out and played with the plastic plant (there was no way I could keep any real ones with it) and would really savage my algae scrubbing brush when I used it. It would get ultra excited when you went near the tank... but I could never tell if it was glad to see me or wanted to attack me :lol:

It had by far the biggest personality ive seen in a fish. A few people commented that it was more like a dog in a fish body (and strangely enough, the above pic came from a website called dogbreedinfo.com haha)

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