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hi guys just a little about me.

keen on breeding guppies got 3 tanks so far to breed them have succesfully breed a few and sold some on trade me and have one snake skin so far that i have breed waitn for more though and want to cross breed an albino and snake skin to see what happens.

i live in aucks aka botany.

also family friends with johannes if ne of you guys no him on here lol.

names graham btw

sweet and any tips would help on how to improve my guppies and what and what not to do hen breeding them


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Welcome Saffa, to the forums.

Guppies were my first fish I breed .........years ago (Im am old girl :lol: ) :wink::wink:

they just breed with no worries, this started my addiction for fish. :lol: now I dont have any now, but always like to look at them. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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