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Most Possibility Diseases and Treatment on Discus Fish


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Hi to all Discus Lovers..!…since I enter FNZAS and I didn’t really introduce my self, my name is Vincent Chan from Malaysia. I’m a part-time Discus Breeder (http://www.vincent-discus.co.nz). I start to keep Discus when I was at secondary school and learn to breed for pocket money…When I first step in to New Zealand I found out that Discus in New Zealand are not quite beautiful (sorry for my mean words) and well of course …dame expensive..!. I start to communicate with local importer and brought Discus from him. I hope people in New Zealand can more understand regarding Discus and can buy cheaper with reasonable price. And currently I breed with imported stock. (Sorry for my poor English..!)..

I have spent times to visit Martine Ng (Discus Catalogue - Malaysia) and Andrew Soh (The Naked Truth - Singapore) to find out problem on Discus Diseases and Treatment. Well I have simplified to most easy understanding theory as below….hope can help.

Most Possibility Diseases and Treatment

Gills Open

This is not a comment infection as 5% out of 100% will happen. If you notice your discus suddenly gills opens widely and pumping like un-normal that’s mean your fish already course by bacteria infection (Gill Parasite). One Operculum damaged is still alright, if both of them damage and not taking any medicine action. Therefore. The fish will not survive long.

Recommended Action

1.Place the infected discus to a separate clinical tank with new water and temperature of 30.

2.For non serious stage: add PP (Potassium Permanganate) 0.2gm per 100L of water for 24 hours. After 1st treatment 100% water change again and add antibiotic (read manufacturer instruction) and 50gm of salt per 100L of water for another 8 days treatment.

3.For serious stage(secondary infection): add Formalin at 36ml to 100L of water for 30min and immediately 100% water change. Add antibiotic with 50gm of salt per 100L of water. Adjust PH in between 5.5 to 6.0. You may change the water if is dirty but remember to re-dose back to same concentration. This may need 20day of treatment.

Note: Never stop treatment if their Operculum closed..!…Parasite still remains..!

Hold in the Head (Post bacteria infection)

The wounds are not closed and skin damage will attract bacteria and Protozoan to the site. This will bring further damages.

Recommended Action

Option one

1.We must first eliminate Protozoan and Monogenean.

2.Place the infected discus to a separate clinical tank with new water and temperature of 30.

3.PP at 0.2gm per 100L of water for 1 day, repeat everyday with same concentration for at least 10 days.

4.After 10 days, adjust PH to 5.0 for 2 months until the wounds close.

5.Feed only 5% out of 100% as according to your daily feed

Option two

1.We need Tetracycline HCL, a flat end stirrer, 2 soft cloths, small container and a small scraper.

2.Remove the infected Discus on the cloth and be sure to cover their eve.

3.Use scraper and clean the Wound as much and as fast as you can.

4.Paste the Tetracycline on the stirrer and paste into the Wound.

5.And lastly leave it for 20 second to absorb the Tetracycline and immediately put the Discus back to the tank (new water).

6.Feed only 5% out of 100% as according to your daily feed

Sudden Epidemic (always some dark and dull even water changed)

Most possibility reason is definite a sign of inter or external parasite infection and in most cases may be multiple endo-infection, infestations or worst can even damaged the organ.

If there are still in a mood for food that means is still hope for cure. Other is fine is because their immune system is still able to fight the invasion of bacteria. Best recommendation is to do something before they are getting week to fight for it.

Recommended Action

1.Place the infected discus to a separate clinical tank with new water and temperature of 30,

2.Add antibiotic (manufacturer instruction)

3.Feed only 5% out of 100% as according to your daily feed (also add small amount of antibiotic and 20gm of garlic to 1kg of meat into feed for more effectively).

4.This infection is very serious. Thus. It can take up to 15days.

5.After 15days last stage, treat with PP for 12hours bath (0.2gm per 100L of water) to terminate ectoparasites and other bacteria.


In generally, it is cause by water poor quality, over feed, etc...It is very very easy to cure.

Recommended Action

Do 100% water change and add 40ml to 100L of water with Methylene Blue (you may buy online from wonder world pet centre at Rotorua or Hollywood) daily for at least 5 days.


a.Please control your self for not over feed even they come in front …!!

b.Please do not curve your fish half way

c.Always water change to stay away doctor..!

d.Quarantine new fish with separate clinical tank

Discus Disease Chat



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ooohh this is useful...Mods should make this into a sticky under the Cichlid section methinks (if it's not there already)

Also - it would be helpful if we could have a list of people that we buy some meds from (legally) because not all vets know much about Discus and no point in wasting a $60 consult fee if they can't help

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