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lumps on pleco? advice please


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Chased our preschool pleco out of his spot today so i could get a decent look at him, hardly ever see him, and he has these funny lumpy things on the side of his mouth. They weren't there a couple of weeks ago, and they don't look like bristles on a bristlenose, plus they're only on one side. Any suggestions what they are?

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Do they almost look like bubbles or water blisters?

I read somewhere a little while ago about if you do a big water change it can almost give them the bends? like what divers get when they dive to far and to fast. Or like when you catch a snapper and its tummy is in its mouth. Kind of like a pressure shock.

I could be completely wrong but Im sure I read it somewhere. Someone will correct me im sure :) Just I found it very interesting so now I always do my water changes real slow. :):o

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That's right about the bends thing, but usually they get them on their sides where their hard scaly back meets their belly. Could it be that he's sticking his whiskers out? Kinda like what a BN does if you catch it in a net? Sometimes they do it only on 1 side.

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picked up mr pleco today, he's got too big for their tank.

Tried to get a clear photo of it but these are the best i managed

man didnt know i was even getting picked up just shows you how good looking i must be i get picked up by complete strangers :lol:

as for yr actual pleco looks like he has injured himself and that is an infection /growth on the side of his mouth probably wont kill him but it wont be a goo dthing either see if you can aquire some of those indian almond leaves i saw on here just before as they have antiseptic qualities ideal for this kind of thing it will turn yr water brown but should help heal him aswell

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lol :)

When I first noticed it, it was sort of flatter on his skin, now its seperated more and only half is attached, sort of looks like its coming off. Can't see any sign of an injury, and it doesn't look sore, more like a warty thingy. Think its safe to watch it for the next couple of weeks and see how it goes?

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