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Would this be too many fish?


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In my 29 gallon (when I find the measuring tape will post dimensions) I have 10 tiger barbs, 1 green barb, 1 albino barb, and 4 red eye tetras.

The tank has a hang-on filter, Whisper 30-60. Weekly water changes, with occassional spread out to 2 weeks or more if I'm not home for some reason. But mostly weekly water changes.

Would it be ok to add 2 more tetras? How many cory's? I hope to eventually be able to get 3 ottos for the tank but I'm having trouble getting them, but if I should would it still be ok to add the tetras and cory's??



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Oh my gosh, it's been awhile since I had ottos but I thought I had them in with the barbs before, but I could be wrong :-? :-? hmmm, but I thought I did with no problems, geesh hate when I can't remember!

Why do you not suggest they go with the barbs? I've asked the pet store if they were getting bristlenoses in and they said they were trying. But they haven't been able to get the ottos so I'm not holding out hope.

More often than not I do weekly water changes. It's the rare occasion that they've been stretched out further since I don't go away very often.


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