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Making rocks aquarium safe


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elusive_fish wrote:

Sorry to deviate the conversation away from physics and unprovoked rock attacks

:lol: :lol: One of the reasons I love this place, you can always get a laugh :lol: :lol:

Anyway, was wondering if you used any of your rocks in any tanks yet??? If so, pics please :P Love the ones with the holes especially!


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you can check the lime content by dropping a little white vinegar on the rocks. If they fizz (it might just be a few lacklustre bubbles) they contain lime and will raise your pH sooner or later. When I take rocks from the river I like to bring them to the boil in a pot just to kill off any flagellates, leeches, nasties that could be hiding. Oh and dog poo germs. The other option is to rinse them in a potassium permanganate solution, I'm sure you can find lots of info on that by googling it. But that's more useful for things that you can't boil up.

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