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Help needed in CHCH due to flooding


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Well I'm soaking wet, just finished sweeping out the garage with neighbours help...but the turtle ponds!!! :o:o SOOOO much hail and water poured down as I was retrieving turtles from ponds and putting them anywhere I could find... I need to pump the water out as so full of mud and rubbish. So much water everywhere that the pond liners were lifting even tho they were completely full of water. Does anyone have a decent pump and could help me pump water out and clean out the flooded stuff that has poured in? I have tomorrow off work if anyone can help, or loan me a pump. My pond pumps aren't the best at emptying the ponds and I have turtles in very overcrowded conditions needing to get back in their homes.... I've never seen a storm like it. :( The water was going down the drain pipe and then gushing out from the ground like a gyser (spelling?) as too much water everywhere. Anyone able to take a turtle or two for a day or two??? Please get back to me ASAP ...not sure if allowed to put ph number or email... if I can, can someone let me know...right off to get into dry clothes and check on turtles....

Cheers, Donna

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Thanks Spoon, that'll be great. TM has loaned me a pump too. I'll give you a call in the morning. Yes the rabbit hutch would be good for a wee bit. It'll take a day or two for clean water to warm up in the ponds, so that will be useful. I still have a couple cm hail in places even now! Some parts of CHCH had nothing at all :roll: I'll get you to help drag all the wet carpet outside from the garage too. Hopefully it wont rain! :D Thanks again :D

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that was mad

down mathers rd in the middle of the road the water was just over 4 inch deep :o:o and the middle of the road is higher than the pavement

a couple of weeks a go we put bark in most of our garden now half of it is on the road and the other half is on the grass :lol: avairy and workshop are flooded

garage / gamesroom carpet is very wet conserverty roof broken and wet inside one of the dinning room walls had water pouring down it and all over the carpet.

i have a few pics of some cars driving down the road under water a strange thing i saw was one guy had his door wide open water was pouring in and he was leaning out and looking down at the road and not looking forward :-? :-?

The funniest thing was a guy on a push bike when it was the worst part of the hail and when the pedals were level they were both under water unfortunately i did not get a photo of that as i could not stop laughing :lol:

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I was lucky conservatory roof didn't break. Its a lazerlight roof added to the house. Where it meets the eaves, the water was pouring like a waterfall inside one end of conservatory. Straight down onto the lights/basking area of a turtle tank....I couldn't 'quickly' unclip the lights and metal mesh barrier thing that stops turtles climbing out, so I put the washing basket over top of it, covered in towels to deflect the worst of it...haven't tried the lights yet... :roll: Fortunately floor is decking so water could drain off the floor.

There was a parked car down the rd with the water half way up the passenger doors! Water was part way up your thigh on the footpath area...well not mine, but the neighbours who were trying to remove rubbish from the drains on the RD. :) Now for the clean up...man piles of soaking wet towels are heavy! :D:o

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was an interesting day i have never seen turtles in a bath before thanks for sharing your experiences 2day. btw holding the snakeneck was cool too , i bet my flatmate had a story to tell his workmates about why he was so dirty when he got to work

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Great video TM and thanks SOOOO much for the pump. It certainly made the job heaps easier today. It was great. I might have to keep the pump!! lol :D

And thanks to alanmin who whisked away 'Oddie' for a few days, as she was desperate to find somewhere to lay eggs. Hope she has success now :D

And especially a HUGE thanks to Spoon and flatmate for loads of work with buckets and wet, heavy carpets and a rabbit hutch for a stroppy turtle etc etc etc! :bounce: :bow: It was great to get it all done today, I really couldn't have managed on my own! :D:D

So now the turtles have had a nice feed of anchovies and are mostly back in their usual homes. Thank goodness for sunshine today. :lol:

Only sad bit was my goldfish got eaten by a turtle whose not normally in the tank the fish was living in. Fish had coexisted with turtles for years... :cry: Never mind. Just as well I had a day off today to get everything back in order. :D Now, back to summer weather :roll:

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