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I now have two confirmed female bangaii's in my tank. I have one which produces eggs every 3-4 weeks, and has done for months. The second one has never produced eggs... until today. Here are some pics of the surprise I got this morning (sorry bout the quality, it was early, and she is now in hiding so I can't get any more decent pics.)

She will carry the eggs for about a day trying to find a male, after that she will just eat them. If anyone has a male, let me know.




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For those who don't know much about Bangaii breeding. The female produces eggs, and the the male fertilises them, and holds them in his mouth where they hatch and live for about 18 days total (they live in his mouth for about 4 days after hatching)

The fry come out of his mouth fully formed about 7mm long. They seem to be quite sensitive to shock. The best thing is that they can eat live enriched baby brine shrimp straight away, no need for smaller foods, which are difficult to find/culture.

The males do not eat while incubating the eggs, so they need to be feed a lot of food before carrying.

The eggs are a redish orange colour.


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Looks like my other female is going to release eggs any day now to! She is big and boxy (full of eggs), and she is extending her jaw and shimmying next to any fish which will hang around long enough.

Does anyone have a male? It would be nice to get some more bangaii's around the country, considering how difficult it is to import them at the moment.


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