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Breeding goldfish--eggs..


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i was wtching the fish in my tropic tank (in while the pond is being re done)

and one of the female fans was being totaly harrased by other fish (making her go into corners or croud into other fish)

so i kept watching and then saw they did that cos she was dropping eggs!!

they would make her struggle and that way she would jsut pop out eggs and they would eat them..

i took her out and put her in a small buket and while in my hand all these eggs came out and so i put 1 of the males in ther with her so maybe he would fertilise them??

i pikd him up and he went to wiggle so i held him a litte tighter so i wouldnt drop him on the carpet before the bucket and white liquid came out of him (im gessing it was sperm)

so he was put in the buket (kinda went cloudy the water)

after abit i took out the fish and have left the eggs some on the sides of the bucket are white so i know they arnt fertilised, but i dont know howold the eggs are as i forgot when it was could have been lastweek??

some of the eggs are stuck on a clear bit of plastic and i have had a look in the light and the eggs look yellowish?? with a white bit in the middle??

or something like that

any ideas??


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