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Sad Day


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:( Well after talking to you guys in chat the other night I put my remaining two mollies in a salt solution. Then yesterday I got a new tank, put water out of my big tank in there and salt and put the two mollies in it. The female was not looking good and died overnight. :( Also two of the babies were dead so I've put the remaining ones in the salt tank also. The last male is looking good so far and so are the babies. I only wish I'd known about the salt before I killed these fish. Thanks for all the help I got and I think I will ask you lot before I buy anything in future :-?
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The thing with the salt treatments Donna, is to build it up "gradually".. so as not to shock the fish.

You must also "pre-mix" any solution before adding it to your water.

Strengths vary, but there is heaps of info on the net relating to salt in aquariums for medicinal purposes.

Sorry about your loss, and hope the others pick up.

BTW... The salinity of the water can "only" decrease by "water changes", and not by "evaporation"... so there is no need to add additional salts unless you do a major water change. Then you would base the amount of salt needed by the amount of water you removed.. but take into account for any evaporation.



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Thanks Bill,

Unfortunately the last mollie was dead when I got home tonight. I think he died of a broken heart after being left alone. :roll: But I have learnt a lot from this experience so at least thats something.



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