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HOW many Discus in a 6foot tank?


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wanting to know how many Discus can I have in a 6 foot tank without overcrowding?

Currently have 5 at the 6cm length, 2 at 8/9cm. Am also getting two more around the 6cm mark next week - I'm thinking 6 ADULTS, is that too many? ALSO - how often should I feed the Discus now that they're older (once or twice a day?) they're all used to being fed 3 times a day because I had small (3/4cm) Discus growing in there before.

They're currently sharing their tank with 10 chain loaches, 5 GBAs, 10 cardinal tetras and 6 glowlights as well as 7 boarding siamese fighters.

Any advice would be awesome.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi Amy/dave....hahah...adult discus may feed 3 times per day...baby discus feed 5 to 6 times a day and mid size 3 to 5 times...but be sure is enought to feed...dun over feed...cheers...always remember if you want your fish healty and prefect...please put some time..!>.hahaha

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